Top tips for SMEs this tax season

Top tips for SMEs this tax season

We’re approaching tax filing season here in South Africa, so it’s time for small business owners to get their information in order and ready to file. Everybody knows that filing taxes can be extremely time consuming. By Colin Timmis Small businesses are already...

How Covid is changing the office equipment industry

The success of office equipment vendors and their channel partners hangs on their ability to accelerate digital transformation and digital services delivery via organic and acquisitive growth. That’s the word from Chris de Beer, Africa regional manager at Infosource,...

Channel needs to mobilise for the WFH environment

By Allan Knoetze – Work from home (WFH) has certainly made an impact on the centralised office equipment marketplace, its current adoption and position in the South African channel.  However, one cannot paint it with broad brush strokes; each vertical has been...

Covid’s impact on 3D printing is inconsistent

The impact of Covid-19 on the global 3D printing industry in 2020 was vastly varied: there was new demand in some regions and sectors while business was significantly recessed in others, according to Context. Worldwide revenue from 3D printing services reportedly grew...