by Kathy Gibson | Apr 8, 2022 | Features
Robotic process automation can help organisations to streamline processes, cut costs and increase value. But too often the true value isn’t achieved, because cutting through the complexity of RPA design and implementation is outside of many of their IT partners’...
by Kathy Gibson | Apr 8, 2022 | Features
By Kathy Gibson – As end users digitally transform their businesses, it’s vital that IT reseller partners transform as well. That’s one of the messages from Dell Technologies, talking to partners about opportunities for partners in the year ahead. Doug Woolley, MD of...
by Kathy Gibson | Apr 8, 2022 | Featured Story, Features
The global Covid-19 pandemic shook our economies and societies to their very core, and made us acutely aware of how vulnerable we are to biological threats. However, in the digital world, similar risks are being overlooked as we speak. By Matthew Campbell, head of SME...
by Kathy Gibson | Apr 8, 2022 | Features
According to the Small Enterprise Development Agency (SEDA), there are an estimated 755 265 formal small, medium and micro enterprises (SMMEs) in South Africa. Collectively, these businesses reportedly employ over 10-million people. Given that the South African SMME...
by Kathy Gibson | Apr 8, 2022 | Features
The renewable energy sector now employs more than 12-million people globally, with projections that this number will grow to 25-million by 2030 and at least 43-million by 2050. According to the eighth edition of the Renewable Energy and Jobs: Annual Review, released...
by Kathy Gibson | Apr 8, 2022 | Features
Businesses that have survived the last two years now have to continue to manage costs particularly carefully, with operational costs (opex) being a key factor to their continued existence. “Luckily,” says Euphoria Telecom CEO John Woollam, “modern technology has...