Many traditional business owners still consider a website as a tool to showcase their company profile. They don’t understand the importance of having a functional website, to generate leads and to produce sales opportunities.
Digital transformation has become a priority for many businesses in the wake of the coronavirus pandemic, they have fast realised that they need to deliver value to their customers and have accelerated their digital transformation efforts.
Businesses leaders need to rethink the way they use technology, people and processes to become more competitive. Digital transformation drives changes in customer expectations, especially around products and services. It also offers many new business models and new revenue streams.
ChatMarshal CEO David Marshall says Live Chat is the first step in turning a website into a revenue generating tool. “Start engaging with customers online, they don’t want to spend hours on the phone or to wait for email responses.”
“Live Chat is the most effective way to provide quick answers. A key component of good customer service is respecting a customers’ time, making a website easy to navigate and information easily available,” he explains.
Live Chat also saves company time, it enables the customer support to help more customers at the same time. It provides customers with instant answers from a knowledge base so they don’t have to speak to a support agent to get the answers they’re looking for.
Chatmarshal is offering a free trial of its 24-hour live chat service to demonstrate how easy it is to install and also how it could increase sales and improve customer service levels. The offer also includes a monthly report on chat outcomes and a transcription of each chat.
As a fully managed and outsourced website live chat service, Chatmarshal provides all the software and human agents needed to run a 24-hour live chat contact centre on any website for any business in any country.
This is the perfect opportunity for online stores to test Live Chat, a component of their website that will put them ahead of their competitors. After the knowledgebase creation and setup process is completed, Chatmarshal will answer 100% of your visitors’ common questions and escalate leads and enquiries to you immediately.
“It’s like having a full time live chat contact centre in your office but at a fraction of the cost and many times the efficacy. We provide you with all the transcripts, plus detailed reports on all chat activity. Chatmarshal uses the transcripts to improve your website FAQ and live chat responses,” he adds.
Marshall says most businesses don’t realise how easy it is to set up, even if they don’t want to manage it themselves. “Many companies have a misconception that it is too difficult and time consuming to add live chat to their website. They also feel it will be too difficult or distracting to manage. That needn’t be the case because there are companies like Chatmarshall that will do it for you.”
Corporates need to understand the benefits of having a human live chat on their website. Not only will it increase sales, improve customer service, but the feedback will also show them where improvements can be made.
Most companies don’t realise that the chatting portion of live chat can be outsourced to a specialist live chat agency like Chatmarshal. They don’t need to hire agents or distract current staff with the live chat, they can subcontract the service to agencies with a solid track record.
“If you already have live chat on your website but it is not efficient or even worse constantly offline, then consider outsourcing the operations of the live chat. ChatMarshal is for businesses that want to offer superior website live chat to their visitors, but do not want to staff it themselves,” he concludes.