Old electronics that have no real market value are being dumped in storerooms and empty offices. There is huge uncertainty as to what needs to be done with highly sensitive or data-laden equipment.

Xperien has introduced Zero Warehousing to help companies save on storage costs and more importantly, to eliminate the risk of data loss at a time of disposal. Companies now have the flexibility to send redundant IT equipment directly to Xperien for processing, thus saving on warehousing and recovering maximum value from these redundant assets.

Value recovery is a crucial part of the asset disposal process, businesses need to receive fair market value for end-of-life and redundant IT equipment. Professional ITAD service providers normally offer to purchase these assets, this includes the collection, data erasure and reporting.

Xperien ITAD specialist Bridgette Vermaak warns that by delaying end-of-life IT asset disposition has significant short term and long-term risks. “These include the cost of storage, auditing fees, data breaches and theft.”

Keeping up-to-date with regulations, compliance and other legal requirements is a challenge for most organisations. Furthermore, companies that manage IT asset disposition internally continue to struggle with data security and proper environmental recycling.

Professional ITAD providers like Xperien are fast becoming an important link in the overall life cycle management of IT equipment. Not only can they provide maximum value for IT assets, but they can offer professional data erasure and data destruction services that are essential to ensure a company’s sensitive information is protected.

Vermaak says for an organisation’s ITAD policy to be effective and to reduce costs, warehousing should ideally be kept to a minimum. “The best practice for decommissioning IT equipment is what we refer to as ‘roll-in roll-out’.

“This process uses the same box in which the new equipment is delivered to collect the used equipment thus further reducing costs on packaging and warehousing. Xperien has the capacity to process thousands of devices,” she explains.

Most businesses are missing out on the opportunity to get money back for their used IT equipment. Efficient IT infrastructure life cycle management and secure IT asset disposition (ITAD) can help organisations maximise value at every stage of their technology investment.

Vermaak says disposing of retired assets at a time of decommissioning negates the need for warehousing. “Our focus is not on storing assets to create revenue while it devalues on a shelf, but rather moving the asset back into the circular economy as soon as possible. Zero Warehousing costs are incurred with Xperien because we are acquiring title of the assets.”

Complete life cycle management is the commitment to maximise value at every stage of the technology investment. It is also an effective approach to becoming more agile, resourceful and proactive at recovering value. The aim is to identify methods to recover value at every stage without sacrificing quality or peace of mind.

With this strategy in place, business leaders can rethink how they approach every technology project. This will also help them redefine their expectations of what they expect from every technology acquisition.