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When times are tough, focus on the core (competencies) 

The economic crisis unleashed by the outbreak of Covid-19 has hurt economies around the world. By Tim Proome,GM: supply chain services, Tarsus Distribution When times are tough, shedding non-core business processes is one of the most prudent and effective ways to cut...

Help customers overcome their top data challenges

Economic pressures compounded by the pandemic mean businesses are fighting for relevancy – and channel partners are perfectly poised to help them fight back. By Doug Woolley, MD of Dell Technologies South Africa Today, an organisation’s competitive advantage is...

Surprising reasons your crisis management plan may fail

The Covid-19 pandemic has understandably spurred renewed conversation around business crisis management. This, pertaining to how to better plan for and preempt unforeseen disruptions, as well as aptly navigating through the mire when perilous challenges...

2021 challenges channel to step up DX

With an estimated 140 000 to 250 000 formal small and medium businesses (SMBs) in South Africa needing to accelerate their digital journeys in the wake of the pandemic, there has never been a better time for ICT resellers to reinvent themselves as services businesses....

Entrepreneurs crucial to SA’s recovery

Research by McKinsey & Company cites that SMMEs represent more than 98% of businesses in South Africa, employing between 50% and 60% of the country’s workforce across all sectors, and are responsible for a quarter of job growth in the private sector. This is...

Fake it till you make it

Businesses can now ensure a higher probability of developing products and services that are market-fit – much faster and more cheaply than ever before. This is made possible by creating ‘facades’ to test on customers before investing into product development,...

Prepare your business of the next wave of Covid-10

We are now almost a full year into the worst pandemic of the century, and with cases in South Africa continually on the rise, it is fair to say that Covid-19 is far from over. By Lyndy van den Barselaar, MD of ManpowerGroup SA Many businesses have reopened in some...

We need to encourage girl learners to embrace STEM subjects

It’s evident by the significant investments into skills development and educational programmes that Microsoft believes in upskilling our youth to have the right skills to succeed in the Fourth Industrial Revolution. By Wanjira Kamwere, business development manager of...

Should we still be talking about digital transformation in 2021? 

By now we all know that digital transformation involves using digital technologies to make changes to various aspects of a business. By Kevin South, head of digital and CX at Seacom But many companies are already doing this, which is why some think that it’s time to...

Prepare your business for future lifestyles

Modern societies are at a turning point where powerful lifestyle shifts are reshaping the ways in which we move, consume, work, learn, socialise and protect ourselves. By Willie Schoeman, MD of Accenture Technology in Africa In the next version of society, new...

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