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Using technology to become POPI compliant 

As businesses digitally transform, how they handle and analyse data is under intense scrutiny. Consumers today are more aware and concerned than ever before, and rightly so, with the way their personal data is collected, how it is handled and how it will be used. By...

The ecosystem of the white label

The future of business doesn’t just lie in emergent technology, but in the building blocks of solutions and in creating ecosystems of value, says Brian Timperley, the CEO and co-founder of Turrito Networks. White label. Private label. These are the name tags attached...

We have an opportunity to drive diversity in the IT industry

Every year inSeptember, South Africa celebrates Heritage Day to recognise the cultural wealth of our nation. None of us need reminding of the challenges we have overcome throughout our distant and recent history, but through the power of our diversity we always...

Cybersecurity in a digital world

If you think your business is secure, it probably isn’t. Cybersecurity will remain critical to any company’s success in a digitally-driven environment. Management must understand that this is as much a business enabler as it is about mitigating risk and...

Discipline builds the resilience to succeed

We’ve all read and heard motivational stories that light up the eyes of everyone hearing them. Sometimes there are popular ones that make their way around industry events, often being repeated at conferences or, more recently, on webinars: “This person made billions...

Tips on how to emerge resilient from the pandemic 

Small businesses play an important role in our communities and economies. Over the past year, as the pandemic shifted the retail and commerce landscape, small businesses were faced with a lot of change. By Jim Magats, senior vice president: omni payments at PayPal...

Channel Chunder: ‘Greed Virus’ the biggest threat to the IT channel

When it comes to motivating and explaining the cover story that characterises every issue of Channelwise, my esteemed editor is often inclined to ask some fairly “simple” questions. To illustrate this point, he asks the following questions in connection with this...

Channel prosperity in ‘The New Normal’

The channel “tree” has well and truly been shaken during the past 18 months. It started with Covid-19 and the lockdowns, with projects put on hold, shipments delayed, and the work environment undergoing massive change as people moved to working from their homes. Of...

Age: is it simply a number?

The English actress, author and columnist Joan Collins is on record as saying that “age is just a number. It’s totally irrelevant unless, of course, you happen to be a bottle of wine”. In the sporting world many professionals are getting older, yet they are...

Technology needs to get out the way of digital transformation

Most companies today understand the need for digital transformation, but it can be all too easy to mistake digital transformation for simply adopting and implementing technology. By Greg Gatherer, account manager at Liferay  Additionally, legacy back-end systems (and...

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