Sony Electronics has announced its 2023 Bravia XR TV Lineup, with Cognitive Processor XR. There are four new models: X95L Mini LED, X90L Full Array LED, A95L QD-OLED and A80L OLED.
2023 BRAVIA XR TVs have the updated Cognitive Processor XR, featuring the all new XR Clear Image on select models, which improves noise reduction and clarity with motion, reducing blur and creating scenes bursting with action. The Cognitive Processor XR enables better backlight control for increased local dimming zones, increased brightness and decreased blooming.
Additionally, each model offers Acoustic Center Sync, which synchronises the TV’s audio system with the cenrer channel of a compatible Sony soundbar. Each model also works with Sony soundbars to offer 360 Spatial Sound Mapping which generates phantom speakers and sound field optimisation. New this year, the X95L features Acoustic Multi-Audio+. The A95L and A80L models feature Acoustic Surface Audio+ with actuators that vibrate to produce sound from the entire screen.
The 2023 Bravia XR lineup also caters for PlayStation 5 gamers with Auto HDR Tone Mapping and Auto Genre Picture Mode, and a Game Menu. The A95L model also features Multi-View.