Redstor Malware Detection solution provides businesses across industry sectors with an effective way of strengthening their cybersecurity posture. It does so by automatically scanning corporate backup data and identifying potentially infected files.

Redstor Malware Detection uses machine learning to protect data from files containing malware. It quarantines infected files considered to be malicious and lets users either mark them as safe or have them revert to a previous, safe version.

The solution can also be used for cloud-based platforms such as Microsoft 365, Google Workspace, OneDrive, Teams, Gmail, and so on. This provides technology decision-makers with the peace of mind that both their on-premises and software-as-a-service environments are safeguarded against malicious attacks.

Once a company activates the malware detection add-on, Redstor will automatically scan backup data each time a backup completes, looking for indicators that malware is present within all files that have been added or changed within that backup.

Redstor Malware Detection can detect a variety of malicious payloads, including flooder attacks (malicious programmes that overload the network traffic), coin miners (malicious programmes that use system resources to generate cryptocurrencies), adware, trojans, backdoors, worms, and ransomware.

Users can see a breakdown of suspicious files categorised by severity. When clicking on a suspicious file, a certainty score is provided which indicates how certain the Redstor machine learning model is that the file is suspicious.