MIP Holdings has gained C-Corp accreditation, which endorses it as an inclusive, purpose-driven and humane business.

The achievement of the C-Corp accreditation has placed MIP among a select group of organisations. MIP is now part of a global network of businesses working collectively for change, with a conscious leader at the helm to drive transformation of culture, values, ethics, performance and productivity. This global network of accredited conscious leaders, through their collective voice, aim to challenge the status quo of business and through responsible business activity, seek to impact humanity positively.

“We are extremely gratified to have gained the C-Corp accreditation. MIP takes pride in its leadership role in industry and society, and we are honoured that our efforts at making a difference have been recognised. The accredited C-CORP certification model is the gold standard for conscious, ethical leadership,” says Richard Firth, CEO of MIP Holdings.

To achieve the accreditation, MIP underwent a rigorous assessment, with stringent criteria in the areas of ethics, sustainability, governance, purpose and the well-being of the company and its people. Few companies in the IT industry are known for their conscious leadership, but MIP has integrated it into the company’s DNA, making as large an investment into its people as it has its software solutions.

From skills development programmes, to mentorship and support, to emotional and financial assistance for staff working from home, MIP lives its mission of People, Planet, Purpose, Profit. The company’s passion for altruism can also be seen in its partnerships with NPOs such as the TEARS Foundation and the K9 Anti-Poaching Dog Unit.

Brenda Kali, CEO and founder of Conscious Companies, explains that creating revenue, containing costs, growing markets and nurturing meaningful employee and stakeholder engagement underpinned by a core of self-inquiry, disruptive thinking, growth and collaboration for the upliftment of life is at the core of any organisation willing to embark on obtaining an accredited C-Corp certification.

“MIP’s commitment to making the business, the industry, and the country a better place is a perfect example of how a conscious leader operates. Placing responsibility and purpose on par with profits, conscious leaders set trends by aligning shareholder value creation to stakeholder wellbeing. This is exactly what MIP does, helping to drive a new path of conscious leadership, governance, ethics and integrity coupled with care, compassion, kindness and tolerance,” she says.

Firth adds that conscious leaders shape conscious companies and societies. “MIP is proud to be leading a revolution in how South African businesses should operate. All companies should be leading by example, recognising that their business actions have consequences,” he says.

“Unless there is a fundamental shift in leadership and an understanding of consciousness and ethics, resolutions and governance will continue to be driven by self-interest. We believe that the C-Corp accreditation should become one of the certifications all businesses aspire to, and are pleased to be leading the way,” he concludes.