Reseller partners can save money while increasing their productivity, thanks to Pinnacle Electronic Software Distribution (ESD) platform.

Michelle Olivier, Microsoft product manager at Pinnacle, explains that the ESD platform allows registered Pinnacle customers to instantly download and activate software after purchase – anywhere, anytime.

The digital platform ensures secure delivery of a product key, direct to the customer, via the distributor.

“It is ready to use now,” Olivier says. “Other features available on the platform are easy installation and activation, 24/7 customer support and a secure experience.”

To make administration even easier, the ESD platform now features a digital locker that lets the partner keep track of keys. And it will soon match keys to customers as well.

“Overall, ESD helps partners grow their profitability and deliver a great customer experience,” Olivier says. “And it is more cost-effective. Partners that have embraced digital transformation are 26% more profitable that their average industry competitors and enjoy 12% higher market valuation.”