Looking to take your business to the next level? Whether you’re a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting out, these 60 tips will help you make the most of your resources and achieve your business goals.

So, you want to take your business up a notch, but don’t know where to start? Feel like you’ve got your bases covered but aren’t exactly sure what’s next? Well, let’s just say that if you have grit and determination and feel like you can accomplish any goal you set for yourself, you’re already halfway there. As for the other half, we’ve got you covered!

Consider this your guide to understanding every aspect of running a small business. From the growing pains to making moves to grow your enterprise, we’ll run you through 60 tips to level up your business. Let’s go!


Keep a Close Eye on Stock Levels 

Keeping track of how much stock you have on hand is essential to a smooth-running business. Regular stock take and accurate records will ensure that you reorder from suppliers in a timely manner and avoid stockouts.

After all, you don’t want to disappoint your customers by not being able to provide them with the products they need. You’ve just started earning their business – you don’t want to break their trust. Plus, having a good understanding of what’s selling and what isn’t can help you make smarter purchasing decisions and optimise your profits.


Product Not Moving? Get Rid of It! 

If you’re stuck with products that just aren’t popular with your customers, you need to work on a plan to get rid of it and make way for products that’ll perform better. Consider offering discounts or promotions to entice customers to make a purchase.

You could also try to increase visibility by advertising on social media or collaborating with influencers. It’s also a good idea to explore the idea of selling stock through alternative channels such as online marketplaces or consignment stores.

Once you’ve exhausted all avenues, you need to be ruthless about what you will and won’t sell.


Know Your Audience

It’s incredibly important to know your audience well. What do they need? What piques their interests? What can you do to show that you resonate with them? Having a good understanding of this will help you tailor your products or services to meet customers’ specific needs and preferences.

This leads to:

  • Higher customer satisfaction
  • Increased loyalty
  • Improved business success.

Additionally, understanding your audience allows you to target your marketing efforts effectively and efficiently, making your brand visible.


Be Different from Your Competitors 

One of the best things you can do to stand out from the crowd and attract customers is to differentiate your business from others in your industry.

By offering unique products, services, or experiences, you can create a competitive advantage and establish a strong brand identity that resonates with your target audience. This can lead to increased customer and brand loyalty, higher sales, and greater profitability over the long term.


Use Social Media and Use it Often

Being active on social media allows you to connect with your target audience, increase brand awareness, and drive more traffic to your website (if you own an ecommerce business, that is).

Social media is becoming the go-to customer service platform for many businesses. This shift in how these platforms are used does a great job of helping businesses engage with customers and receive valuable feedback, which can be used to improve their products or services.

Let people get to know you, speak with your audience and create a community around your brand.


Give Your Brand Visibility

Brand visibility is the key to increasing brand awareness and recognition among your target audience. You can do this by leveraging various marketing and advertising efforts such as social media, email marketing, search engine optimisation (SEO), and paid advertising. T

he more visible your brand is, the better the chance of you attracting more customers, increasing sales, and ultimately growing your business.


Make Sure You Have a Google Business Profile  

We’ve said it before and we’ll say it again: if you want people to find your business, you’ve got to tell Google about it first. Having a Google Business Profile makes it easier for potential customers to find your business information, such as your location, hours, and reviews.

It also provides a platform for you to engage with customers by responding to reviews and posting updates about their products and services. Lastly, it’s a fantastic place to help build credibility and trust with customers.


Develop Processes  

Having well-thought-out processes in place will make sure that your business is consistent and efficient. Not only will they improve the quality of the products or services offered, but you’ll also get to enjoy a higher customer satisfaction rate.

You’ll also be able to streamline workflows, reduce errors, and increase productivity, which can lead to greater profitability (cha-ching!).


Keep Your Books Up to Date  

Keeping your books up to date is crucial for a business owner as it provides an accurate picture of your company’s financial health. It helps you make informed decisions, stay on top of your cash flow, and ensure compliance with tax laws and regulations.

Remember, keeping accurate records is necessary for obtaining financing, managing your expenses, and preparing financial statements.


Separate Your Personal and Business Finances 

Separating business and personal expenses is important for several reasons. It can help you accurately track your business expenses and income, make tax preparation easier, and protect your personal assets in case of legal issues or bankruptcy.

Keeping your finances separate can also help you establish credibility with lenders and investors.