Samsung Electronics South Africa has announced the Samsung Gear 360, a 360-degree camera that allows consumers to create, view and share both videos and still images.
The Samsung Gear 360 is equipped with dual fisheye lenses, which both have 15 megapixel image sensors, giving users the ability to capture high-resolution (3840×1920) 360-degree video that also supports 30 megapixel still images. Users can also shoot 180-degree wide angle video and images by only using one side of the camera lens. A Bright Lens F2.0 creates high resolution images even in low-light conditions.
With a light and compact, spherical design, Gear 360 maximises portability and features a user-friendly tripod and is also compatible with a wider selection of accessories and mounts.
When Gear 360 is synced with a Samsung smartphone, users will be able to preview content in real time when recording. In addition, the Gear 360 will automatically bring up filmed content for users to view and save on their smartphone or to upload and share directly on social channels including Google Street View. For comprehensive 360 viewing, users can watch self-created content through Gear VR. All these features are available through a dedicated mobile application for download from Galaxy Apps, Google Play and PC software for more in-depth editing capabilities.
Gear 360 is compatible with select Samsung smartphones including the newly released Galaxy S7 and Galaxy S7 edge, Galaxy S6 edge+, Galaxy Note 5, Galaxy S6 edge and Galaxy S6.