CFS Group, part of the KID Group of companies, is now a reseller of Clarity Technology Expense Management (TEM) software by Apex BI.

Corian Kruger, business development manager at CFS Group, says Clarity meets a growing need for organisations to gain more control over expenses as the technology estate grows increasingly vast and complex.

“Managing and reporting on the costs associated with hundreds, or even thousands, of mobile voice and data SIMs can be complicated and time consuming. Adding to this, connected environment sprawl is a challenge: costs can spiral out of control, particularly as organisations deploy thousands of GSM-based IoT devices,” says Kruger.

CFS Group, an IT and customer services and training business within the KID Group, has partnered with Apex BI to offer customers Clarity solutions that address several key needs. Clarity for Mobile enables customers to identify and manage mobile SIMs within the organisation, with dashboards, detailed reports and time saving functionality that enables control, visibility and automation across the entire mobile SIM estate. With Clarity for Mobile, organisations can manage mobile voice, mobile data, APNs, radius and recharges, consolidating all company owned mobile invoices, contract information, call records and user details in a single platform.

Clarity for Assets is a simple, easy to use solution to manage and track company IT assets. It is designed to improve visibility, accountability, accuracy, lifecycle management and decision making. The solution simplifies access to information such as what assets the organisation has, their value, who they are assigned to, where they are, and what their lifecycle stage is.

Clarity for IoT aggregates and simplifies complex IoT estate data in a single platform for control, visibility and automation. This addresses the complexity, risks and potentially high unexpected costs associated with sprawling IoT environments.