Celebrating 20 years of operation in South Africa, AWS held its annual Summit in Johannesburg.

Kathy Gibson reports


AWS renews commitment to cloud, AI in Africa

AWS has already invested R15,6-billion in building infrastructure in Africa – and has committed to a further R30,4-billion.

“Whether it is opening new office locations, or enabling the distribution connect backbone, or setting up local zones, we have seen an acceleration in the drumbeat of investment on the continent,” says Chris Erasmus, country GM: South Africa at AWS.

“We see Africa as an incredibly strategic area of growth for AWS.”

Read the full story here


AWS has deep roots in Cape Town

AWS’s relationship with South Africa – and Cape Town, in particular – goes back a long way.

Indeed, a lot of the technology development that supports AWS’s global cloud services was developed by a small group of engineers in Cape Town.

Read the full story here


Capitec enhances CX with cloud-based services

Capitec is adding features to its AWS-based app that will allow customers to place calls from within the app.

Customers can already access the app without having to use data – and now the calls to Capitec will also be free to make.

CIO Blessing Mgaga explains: “We want the client to be able to contact us from their channel of choice. And, now, when they are in the app they can simply press a button, contact us, and talk to us. When they are done, they simply close the app.

Read the full story here