AfriGIS is among the first geospatial solutions companies to offer verified and validated geospatial data on administrative boundaries linked to postal codes throughout Africa.

Expanding the company’s geospatial datasets to cover the continent, AfriGIS has developed a polygon dataset (a collection of shapes defined by closed lines that represent geographical areas) for 21 600 towns, including 475 000 suburbs, over the past three  years.

The ambitious project, completed over a span of three years, required the meticulous collection and integration of regional data to address specific logistical challenges faced by various industries in Africa.

Administrative levels and localities have been linked across all 54 African countries, and the data is maintained to ensure it is up-to-date and accurate.

With attributable data business stores and locations can be represented visually. When you overlay deeds data onto that, with income and other demographic data, plus traffic and weather patterns, it enables sophisticated modelling for retailers and other enterprises.