Sustainability is top of mind for South African resellers as they look forward to 2025.

This is one of the findings of a snap survey conducted alongside the Channelwise Awards.

A total of 1 498 resellers completed the survey asking them their views on several emerging technologies.

Forty-three percent of respondents are already implementing sustainability solutions, with 26% planning to introduce it in 2025, and 17% looking to sustainability within the next two years, and 13,9% not interested in the subject.

Just 12,2% of resellers says they are not interested in artificial intelligence (AI), with 38,1% already using this technology, 31,1% planning to introduce it the next 12 months, and 18,6% looking out to 2026 for its introduction.

Machine learning (ML) is also seeing rapid uptake: 27,6% of resellers are currently implementing the technology; 31,2% will introduce it in 2025; 22,8% are aiming to do so within the next two years; and 18,4% are not interested.

6G-enabled technology is an up-and-coming technology: 17,9% resellers are using it now, with 32,4% aiming to introduce it in the next 12 months; 30,7% looking to 6G within the next 24 months; and 22% not interested.

Virtual reality and augmented reality (VR/AR) is seeing some traction, but 28,7% of resellers are still not interested in the technology. Today, 17,9% of them are using VR/AR, but 27,8% aim to do so within 12 months and 25,6% within the next 24 months.

On a slower trajectory, only 15,6% of resellers are currently implementing blockchain and datafication technology. However, 27% will look at it in the next year and 25,8% in within the next two years – but 31,6% of them are still not interested.